Types of quartz glass

Quartz glass, also known as fused quartz or silica glass, is a high-purity, transparent form of glass made primarily from silica (SiO2). It has a unique combination of properties, including excellent thermal, mechanical, and optical properties, which make it suitable for a wide range of applications. There are several types of quartz glass based on their manufacturing processes and properties. Some common types of quartz glass include:

Clear quartz glass: Also known as transparent quartz glass, this type of quartz glass has high transparency in the visible, ultraviolet (UV), and infrared (IR) regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is used in a wide range of applications, including optics, semiconductors, lighting, and medical devices.

Opaque quartz glass: Opaque quartz glass is made by adding opacifying agents, such as titanium or cerium, to the silica during the manufacturing process. This type of quartz glass is not transparent and is used in applications where high thermal or mechanical strength is required, such as in high-temperature furnaces or chemical reactors.

UV-transmitting quartz glass: UV-transmitting quartz glass is specifically designed to have high transmittance in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum, typically below 400 nm. It is used in applications such as UV lamps, UV curing systems, and UV spectroscopy.

Quartz glass for semiconductor applications: Quartz glass used in semiconductor manufacturing requires high purity and low impurity levels to avoid contamination of the semiconductor materials. This type of quartz glass is often used for wafer carriers, process tubes, and other components in semiconductor fabrication processes.

Fused silica: Fused silica is a high-purity form of quartz glass that is made by melting and then solidifying high-quality quartz crystals. It has extremely low levels of impurities, making it suitable for applications that require high purity, such as in optics, telecommunications, and laser technology.

Synthetic quartz glass: Synthetic quartz glass is made through a hydrothermal process or flame fusion method, where silica is dissolved in water or melted and then solidified to form quartz glass. This type of quartz glass can be used in a variety of applications, including optics, telecommunications, and electronics.

Specialty quartz glass: There are various specialty quartz glass types that are tailored for specific applications, such as quartz glass with high transmission in specific wavelength ranges, quartz glass with controlled thermal expansion properties, and quartz glass with high resistance to chemicals or high temperatures.

These are some of the common types of quartz glass, and there may be other specialized types depending on the requirements of specific applications. Each type of quartz glass has unique properties and characteristics that make it suitable for different applications in industries such as optics, semiconductors, aerospace, medical, and others.

Post time: Apr-22-2019